The Miz River 明志江河 ミジ川

The river reveals one's aspirations. Created on 30 March 2006. Row a boat to explore this river...

Sunday, March 30, 2008

A Special Day

A Special Day Today
Today is a special day for me. Yup, it's a special day, but well, I still have to do my own work, and the special day also comes up with an unwanted new "thing" as well... Hmm... Time to get more fresh air...

Recently have been eating quite a lot of food. Yup, Friday at Manhattan's Fish Market (at Plaza Singapura), Saturday at Jack's Place (at Ang Mo Kio), Sunday at Cafe Cartel (at Junction 8). Hmm... Wonder how much calories I've eaten throughout this weekend. Better do some running to burn of excess fats though. Think I should eat a veggie salad this Monday to clean up my intestines.

Sunday, March 23, 2008

The Busy Weeks

Tutorials, Tests, Labs, Projects...
Yup, these few weeks have been busy with the EE2007 Lab Project, CS2103 Project, and the "slow-paced" FNA1002X Project. Yup, indeed, most lecturers thinks that we only have 1 module to deal with. Also busy preparing for all the tests us well. Just had CS2103 test yesterday, and all I can say is that I couldn't remember what are being taught for the lectures... Never mind, so far the lowest test score (in percentage) I've gotten is 28%. See if this test is going to set a new record.

A lot of people were asking me what I'm doing during this long weekend. Well, unfortunately for me, I still have to prepare for the test on Saturday (after Good Friday), so basically Friday is the day for me to study, Saturday is the day when I had my test and make-up lecture (for Good Friday). Yup, basically 2 days gone like that. Well, I used my Sunday to watch a movie with my friends so sorry HJ, I still haven't start coding for the EE2007 lab yet. Ya, think I better start a bit of EE2007 lab after finishing my blog.

Anyway, I've stop doing all my tutorials for CS2103, EE2007 and EE2012, because all these tutorials are on Monday, and when I wanted to start doing my tutorials, it's already Sunday night... Ok, just might as well go to the class and listen to what the tutor said, no point writing rubbish, and throwing away the foolscape paper used for the tutorials later on. Hmm... Ok, maybe I should try a few question before the start of my tutorial (since I have break before all my tutorials).

The New Violin
Just today, I bought a new violin (with my father) at Synwin. It cost about $2000, but well, I have to ay that it is worth spending, especially when you are going for higher grades (can't possibly stick the the "jarring" and "ear-piercing" $170 violin when you go higher). Heard that when you play the violin often, and keep the violin in good condition, the violin would "adjust" itself to make it sound even better, and hence appreciate in value. Well, this time I better take care of my new violin, so that it would worth much more in the future... :P Well, of course, I'm not refering to the $170 violin, which might only depreciate in value...

Hmm... I wonder if how would they record the violin in Accounting that may appreciate in terms of useful value. If they have depreciation expense for inventory that decreases the usefulness over time, I wonder if they have appreciation revenue for inventory like violin and wine. Better ask the lecturer the next time I see him...