The Miz River 明志江河 ミジ川

The river reveals one's aspirations. Created on 30 March 2006. Row a boat to explore this river...

Tuesday, July 01, 2008

The Almost Unremovable Green Chip

Still Not Used to Normal Life
After 2 weeks of ICT, I still haven't remove the mindset of a green life. I wasn't so prepared to go back to work, from the point that I still cannot wake up at 6am to prepare myself for work. As I was going to the canteen for lunch, I took out my IC to prepare myself, just to find out that I have to find a stall and pay for the food... Hmm...

Anyway, on my first day of work after ICT, I spent 30% of my time sleeping, 30% of my time surfing irrelevant stuffs on the net, 20% of my time reading newspaper, 10% of my time for lunch and breaks, and the remaining 10% of my time working (9.9% for surfing relevant information, and 0.1% on coding). Yup, I'm still in that 'Green' mode... Hmm... How interestingly for me to allocate my time for my work that has modular credits... Well, I don't mind doing nothing for the internship, just that I'll get worried about how I should fill in my 15-20 pages internship report if I had nothing much to do and write... Oh well, at must I get a 'CU' grade for my internship if I couldn't hand up my report, or my report is totally trash...

Well, there's also nothing much I can do for the internship currently, except to find out a method to resize my image on the program (using Video for Windows), in which I had the whole of week 5 (and probably this week and the next few weeks) figuring out how to do such stuff. Hmm... Anyone out there good at Visual C++ willing to help me out on this part? I just hope I won't be stuck on the same spot for the next 5 weeks...


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