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Thursday, December 27, 2007


Results Out!!!
Ok, the results are out. As expected, I did quite badly this semester, especially EE2005 (Electronics). Yup, this C does have a very great impact on the CAP (unless the CAP is around 2). Nevertheless, I'm glad that I don't have to touch anything related to Electronics.

Let me see, EE2007 (Microprocessor Systems) is about assembly language and computer stuff, doesn't really need Electronics (but heard that assembly language can be difficult). EE2012 (Analytical Methods in ECE) is about Engineering Mathematics which applies on Electrical and Computer Engineering stuff, maybe some Electronics invovlved (but on a more Mathematical approach), CS2103 (Software Engineering) is about software development, no Electronics involved (but heard that it can be very demanding), EE3204 (Computer Communications Network I) is about networking, don't think there's Electronics involved, and EE3207 (Computer Architecture) is related to computer stuff involving microprocessor, don't think there will be Electronics invovled.

EE2001 (Project), EE3001 (Project) and EE4001 (B.Eng. Dissertation) are project modules. EE2001 might involve some Electronics stuff, but never mind, the project is done in groups. EE3001 is a written and presentation based projects, which is about improving on products, so that wouldn't involve much Electronics. EE4001 is Final-Year project, so I'll choose the project that's not related to Electronics.

So, basically, not much Electronics stuff for my core modules, and for the Technical Electives, I'll choose those modules that doesn't involve anything related to Electronics. :P

By the way, for those interested, GEK1002 (Introduction to Japanese Studies) is still ok for an Arts GEMs, so you still can consider that if you haven't clear yet (just be prepared to read a lot of readings though, which is on average 2 readings per week).

Next Semester Modules
Anyway, my timetable are somewhat planned already (if I don't face any problems with CORS). So, my modules (tentatively) is EE2007 (Microprocessor Systems), EE2012 (Analytical Methods in ECE), CS2103 (Software Engineering), GEK1505 (Living with Mathematics) and EITHER SC1101E (Making Sense of Society) OR FNA1002X (FINANCIAL ACCOUNTING). Still haven't decide whether to take SC1101E or FNA1002X yet though.


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